VROOM for Developers

Is VROOM for you?

VROOM is right for you if:

  • You want a simple, configurable, and modifiable CMS
  • You want a solution that requires rapid configuration and installation (a VROOM site can be created in an hour or two)
  • You want to deploy and manage multiple websites easily
  • You want modules that run 'out-of-the-box'
  • You want a solution built on a solid, widely-used framework
  • You want Twitter Bootstrap-enabled responsive capabilities built into your CMS

VROOM provides:

Fast & simple website updates

VROOM can utilize Markdown to update site content that is part of blocks, blog posts, and other module-related data. With its straightforward syntax, an end-user can easily update their own website with the most common formatting options. All website changes may be made within a page on the website, rather than through the dashboard, so users can easily preview the changes as you make them. However, TinyMCE, a WYSIWYG editor, can also be used with VROOM.

Versatile layout and style customization

VROOM installs with a basic Bootstrap template, but can be set up to work without Bootstrap on the front-end altogether.

It takes a matter of only an hour or two to take existing HTML and CSS files and plug them into VROOM. Compared to some other CMS options, this is minimal. VROOM's template-based system is highly versatile. Read more...

Consolidated management of multiple websites

Control all of your client’s websites with one login and control panel. Easily manage users, modules, templates, and staging sites without having to remember multiple logins. This way, you can use only one VROOM installation and database to contain and manage multiple sites through multiple domains.

Powerful and versatile modules

VROOM is module-based so you can easily add features to any one of your client’s sites. VROOM currently include blog, e-commerce, events, community, forum, and wiki modules. And since VROOM is modular and built on CodeIgniter, you can develop your own modules and extend its functionality even further.

Hosting on our servers or yours

You may download and deploy VROOM on your own server, or let us handle it for you by hosting it on our own servers. No matter your security or convenience needs, we can provide an option for you or your clients.

Get VROOM on GitHub

You can download the latest and greatest copy of VROOM from Github here.